The other day I received an e-mail about a company that sells John McCain and Barack Obama paper dolls. They even came with an election night score card. Interesting enough the sample they showed had a casual outfit for McCain, but Obama's were all very formal. I don't know what that means. I told Niel that I wondered if the dolls themselves were in their underwear, because all of my paper dolls when I was young were in their underwear. And isn't it a good thing after all that Mitt Romney is not running? Would it be good for him to have a paper doll based on him in his underwear?
But I digress. The subject made me think about my favorite toys as a child. I LOVED paper dolls. I think it was the fashionista buried deep inside the frumpy me that lives today. Also, I loved sewing cards. Does anyone remember them? I loved hopscotch and jump rope, but hated jacks. Oh, and boxes of 64 crayons...especially the blue green, green blue, silver, gold, and copper. I had no use for burnt sierra, however.
What about you? What were your favorite playthings as a child?
Stocking Candy Cookies
11 months ago
i loved paper dolls too! I like to make my own paper dolls. Remember the doll museum? They always had such cool ones!
Barbie. Complete, total Barbie-want, Barbie-love. I think Barbie was born around the time I was born and two of the older neighbor girls owned Barbies. Of course, I played with their younger brothers and the thing we always played was Barbies. Mind you, I was only four, and at my house, there was a world-wide, commonly understood law that said girls must be five before they may receive a Barbie. And even then, a better choice was Barbie's less womanly cousin, Francine. I loved that doll. And all of the many Barbies that joined her in my Barbie collection. Even the headless Ken, who obviously joined the clan with a head, but unfortunately was the nearest thing available for my friend's sister, Marilyn to remove and throw into the toy-eating bushes, when we refused to let her play with us. Because, she wasn't yet five. We were only following the law, you see.
Guy perspective... When my daughter got into Barbies, being the perfect dad, I spent many hours "...doing it wrong...". You see, I grew up in a houseful of boys, and maybe we had GI Joe, but he got set up on the fence and blown away with a pellet or a bbgun... know what I mean?
You know what... I do remember the sewing cards... I don't remember why! My mother in law was named Sierra, so I often thought of her burnt at the stake... crayons were not my cup of color...
But I have to admit, my favorite toys as a child, and I mean this... were books! I was reading Dr. Suess at 3 with my mom, and I always loved reading. Do they count, ms Librarian?
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