I watched a movie last night called "Away From Her." It is a poignant show that at first glance seems to be about a man having to put his wife in a home because she has Alzheimers. But it's seriously more than that. It's about the different ways we show love and the need to show love. And it's about seeing things through to the end. It's about what makes a happy marriage and the balance between settling and sacrifice. But most of all it's about memories and how really undependable they are.
We don't need Alzheimers to color what we believe ocurred in the past. You and I could experience the same event and a year later we will remember different things or one of us might not even remember it at all. Then, too, we color memories by our own emotions past and present. The event doesn't even have to have happened a year before. My husband and I differ on what we think happened yesterday.
And yet we place so much credence in memory. Memory in the form of testimony under oath has sent men to prison and has set them free. Memory has caused people to stay in love or fall out of love. Memories of horrible things can haunt us years after the event and even cause emotional or health problems when the circumstances have long been buried. Happy memories can make us smile or even laugh. Sad memories can make us cry.
Smells can bring back memories. Popcorn takes me back to the old Century Theater where I worked for two weeks behind the refreshment counter. Songs can bring back memories. If I hear "American Pie," I am once again driving down State with my sister, Kathy, in our 56 Buick. Sounds can bring back memories. I can't hear crickets without thinking of watching "To Kill A Mockingbird" on tv on a late summer night with the front door open so the evening breeze could come through the screen to cool down the warm house.
Many people have no memories of their childhood and; yet, I can tell you dreams that I had at the age of 5. If you've had a good life, it pays to have a good memory. If life's been hard, it still pays if you use the memories as lessons.
But memories are best when shared, good or bad. So share a good memory today with someone you love. I'll bet it will open the door to more.
Stocking Candy Cookies
11 months ago
I hated that movie! But i agree with your post and I am glad I only have good memories of my lovely mother! Well except that one time you swore at nephi. Love you!
One time? Wow. How I wish I could have been there to hear you cuss at Nephi.
Well, not really. I just thought it was funny that it was Nephi.
First off, I didn't swear AT him. I used a swear word while I was talking to him. Yes, all of the kids were in the room. They all remember it vividly.
Now ask them how many times they remember being yelled at! I'm a witch, just not a potty mouth.
I agree with Laurie. All of my memories of you are good...except those associated with "cleaning days."
Memories! I've noticed lately that my early memories are strong when I was young and all the world was to be explored. My memories are not so keen in the recent. Maybe I got a short somewhere between here and there.
I don't remember you ever cussing around me, but a child is sure to remember! You can tell them a million times wonderful, thoughtful,useful things and they won't remember a word... but screw up one time and you are sunk for the rest of your life!
PS I just remembered something...
I hope your kids are now coming around to find out that they are gonna be ignored until the day they screw up as well! Isn't life grand!
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