Breakfast with Niel, who was so sweet and helped me clean the house for Kim's bridal shower.
Everyone must have had a good time because they stayed long even though the house was an oven.
The perfect end to a long day was when Pete came to visit. He was in the best mood. I love it when he throws his head back when he laughs. We played in the ball cage and threw baseballs down the basement stairs and played peek-a-boo and I chased him as he giggled and ran.
And after the rain, which was just enough to make it humid, but not enough to cool it down; Pete and I went out and splashed barefoot in the puddle by the side door.
Yep, perfect.
Stocking Candy Cookies
1 year ago
Saturday was a crazy, productive, tiring day, wasn't it?
But simple things like puddle splashin' with Pete always adds the perfect touch to make the day worthwhile!
When ever I think of walking in the rain, I think of you. I think we were pretty young when you told me you loved to walk in the rain, and I've always liked that thought!
Laurel and I walked in the rain the other night walking home from the store! It was a huge downpour! We ran but got totally soaked. We got home, and laughed, and then snuggled up with a hot cup of cocoa and watched a movie.
Not exactly romantic while we were getting drenched! But something we really enjoy looking back on!
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