Last night we had all 3 grand kids to dinner. Highlights:
*The look on Maddie's face when she saw that she was at Nammy's again.
*Pete looking so happy to have someone to play with even though Maddie looks at him as if he were a bug on the ground.
*Pete trying to get the stuffed frog to kiss Maddie and her patience as he shoved it in her face.
*The couple of times that Kinlie did smile at me.
*Seeing Kinlie's big blue round eyes and cute chubby arms.
*Dancing with Maddie to Abba songs in the kitchen. She really knows how to shake it!
Stocking Candy Cookies
1 year ago
That was a really fun night. Someday Peter will really learn how to play with other kids and hopefully, when that time rolls around, Maddie will think more highly of him! :)
Must be nice to have Grandkids, kiddo! I can't argue with you about how cute they are.
But if I ever get a grandchild, we will open this debate back up!
By the way, when we sat around your house back in 1975, we never did discuss that you would be a grandma way too soon for us!
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