Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Snakes & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails

Is that really what little boys are made of? Who in the Sam Hill came up with that? Anyway, tell me what you think this dream means.

I had a night mare last night and actually woke up with a blood curdling scream. I don’t know the last time that I woke myself up screaming. Usually in a nightmare, I just wake up with a gasp.

I dreamt that we had a snake in the laundry room and I kept telling Niel that he needed to get it out of there. I kept peeking in the door to make sure that it hadn’t moved amongst piles and piles of clothes that we had in there (in my dream). There was a black and white cat and the cat took its paw and mirrored the movement of the snake. I told Niel again that he needed to get rid of the snake for me and he kept telling me, “Just a minute.” I walked into the laundry room and fell amongst the piles of clothes, buried in them. I laid there frozen with fear that the snake would move into the pile of clothes, which he proceeded to do. In real life, Niel said that he heard me whimpering and reached over with his arm to wake me. But in my dream, I felt (his arm) the snake moving over my shoulder and screamed loud enough to wake the dead!!!

What do you think it all means?


gilian said...

lunch. definitely time for lunch.

my word verification today: reafer.

yet another indication it is time for lunch.

Sarah said...

Ha ha! I think it quite literally means that you are creeped out by snakes. Or laundry. :)

Joey said...

Yesssssss, sssssssnakes sssssserioussssssly creep me out! I guess Niel's arm does too when I'm in a deep sleep!

Skybird said...

Ah... this dream really did get to you! You shared it with me personaly in an email and I gave you two or three interpretations as I remember!

Sounds like your husband the boy left a snake in his pants pocket that he threw in the laundry and you get the fun of finding it!

As far as laundry goes, my mom's rule was any money she found was hers.

Now why did you have to find a snake, and not a Benjamin????