Sunday, October 16, 2011

Time: My Enemy Or Friend?

I never seem to have time anymore.  I've actually decided to spend a week logging my time.  I want to see where it goes much as I keep up my check book so that I know where my money slips away to.

Isn't this supposed to be when life starts to slow down?  Why do I have less time for reading or cleaning or planning?

So today, here it is, Sunday 9:00 p.m.  I have 15 more minutes because I am trying to limit my computer time.  I fear that's where a lot of it is going down the drain.  So did I spend the majority of time in church?  No, you might be surprised to find that I did not.

I spend 3 hours and 26 minutes making dinner.  The family started arriving at 5:20 and I finished dinner clean up at 8:15.

Loved the time with the kids.  Clayton and Kim are always so cute together.  Clayton makes me laugh.  Sarah is sweet.  Perhaps that's where Jonathan gets it.  A few stolen moments with Emily.  I miss our Sunday nights together.  Serving Sean dinner after everyone had left is always special time for me.

And playing with Pete.  Looking at the world through a 2 year old's eyes is the best.

I'll keep you posted on what I learn this week.


Laurie & Clint said...

Yikes! That is a lot of time to spend on dinner!

Sarah said...

We need to do more pot luck so that you don't have to cook so much. You need to take a Sunday nap or have some other kind of down time.

I mapped out my day for Jeremiah a couple of weeks ago (minute by minute). It was amazing how every minute of my day was crammed full. No wonder I stay up so late to get a little "me" time!

By the way, I didn't stay up this late...I went to bed at 9 p.m. as soon as Jonathan did (I was too exhausted to do anything else), but when he woke up for his first feeding of the night, I couldn't get back to sleep, so I got on the computer.

Mom said...

My life will be easier when we switch Church times. I like it a lot better when we are out at 12:00. It gives me a couple of hours of Sunday afternoon time.

gilian said...

I keep reading this post and I can sooooo relate. Sundays are no day of rest around here--I too love time spent with my family, but I'm worn out at the end of that day.